Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Pet Peeves

Having been head of various account departments and/or supervisor of same --One of my pet peeves was always -- "Do not bring your home problems to work and vice-a-versa".......If you are ticked at your husband or wife or upset with your kids---do not take it out on your co-workers---they did not cause your problem.....Sometimes, just leaving it at home or work gives you a chance to rethink it and you might find either the solution or the fact that it wasn't that important after all.....And I am not saying not to discuss it....maybe you have a co-worker you can talk to about it and relieve your anxiety.......and sometimes---if the problem can be discussed out of the office----hearing it put into words helps you find the solution..........But, the main thing is, when you shut the door at home, you leave the problem on the inside....and your day will be off to a better start.....and when you leave work, the same applies..........Remember, every day is a new adventure, it is up to you to enjoy it....Everyone has problems every day......just do not let them rule your life of ruin your day......ENJOY!!!!!!!!!